Friday, December 21, 2012

Happy Holidays!

Hello everyone!

The amount of snow here is getting ridiculous. I can't keep up with the cold :( The roads are icy and it just makes me want to stay home and curl up into a ball and cuddle. Which is exactly what I'll be doing.

Unfortunately, I went home for the holidays and my boyfriend is now about 300 miles away so I'm forced to cuddle with a gigantic stuffed dog (don't judge me).
My new cuddle buddy.
One of my favorite things about the holidays is that I get to spend time with my family and that there's a momentary pause from my hectic life. I'm trying to ignore the fact that in three weeks I'll have to go back to reality.

But for now, I shall sip on my cocoa catch up on my shows and just breathe.

Until next time <3

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


It's been nearly a year since I last posted. It's crazy to think about what has happened and changed just within 12 months. I have my last finals for the semester tomorrow and all I can say is a really disappointed myself. I should have done better some of my classes and shouldn't have slacked off. I say this as I take a break from studying =/

But, a lot of wonderful things have happened. I have some of the most amazing people in my life and it has made me so thankful to be where I am.

Anyways, I just wanted to post to let everyone know I'm alive and that I will try to post more regularly once these finals are over.

With Love <3

Also I'm so happy that I get to wear scarves all the time now!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Valentine's Resolutions

I don't make New Year resolutions because I always fail at them. So in honor of a holiday that reminds me of all my failed relationships, I decided to make resolutions that I will most certainly fail at too. Okay, that was really sad and I'm kidding, I just have goals for this month and didn't really know what to title the blog and how to start off.

Anyways, here are my goals for this month!

Learn how to do my hair like this 

Get all my work done

Find an apartment for next year

Find a summer job

Steal this adorable kid

Get a cute boyfriend

Okay, so I don't plan on actually stealing anyone's kids and the likelihood of the last goal happening isn't very high. But, anyways those are my goals for the month :)

I take no credit for owning any of the photos that were used

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


So over Christmas break, I went back to Shanghai to visit my family! It was amazing, after living there for six years it really feels like I was coming home. Here are some pictures :)